I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 3 October 2003
A Full Day's Supply of Vitamin PPF

Hey, look at me go, doing GreyDuck's PPF meme on a Friday!

PAST: Describe the best breakfast you've ever had.

I remember helping my aunt make breakfast for a bunch of family members one summer. Every year we would all get together in a couple of rented condos on the beach. We had omlets with leftover ham from the night before - yum! And it was actually a fun family experience.

PRESENT: What did you have for breakfast today?

A small hamburger and a bit of pasta salad.

FUTURE: You have the means, the motive and the opportunity. Create for us... the ultimate breakfast!

I would enlist the breakfast geniuses at Cracker Barrel, hold the grits and the weird gravy, but bring on all the meats and especially the hash brown casserole. Add a variety of the Stouffer's French bread pizzas, loads of fluffy scrambled eggs and a few sunny side up, some of Sid's apple butter, biscuits...damn, now I'm hungry! We're talking breakfast buffet of champions!

Posted by ginevra (link)