I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 1 October 2003
Do you like Altoids? THEY'RE A DEADLY KILLER!

Monday I had to have two wee fillings. I'm incredibly lucky in that I have excellent teeth (one dentist said they are as hard as rocks, which I gathered from his tone was a good thing) so fortunately this is not a common event.

Of course, I tried to use humor as a defense mechanism against the panic I was feeling. "C'mon, Doc, is this really necessary?" He replied that we could wait till the cavities grew up - I suppose that's dentist humor, because he continued with the proceedings.

He did ask me if I had been chewing gum lately. I replied no, but as an afterthought added that lately I had been enjoying cinnamon Altoids. "Altoids?!? Putting those in your mouth is liking sucking on sugar cubes!" I patiently explained that I didn't suck on them, I ate them rather quickly, due to their piquant properties. Apparently even eating them causes toth decay, in Dr. Smiley's opinion, and he urged me to investigate sugar-free options. So, goodbye, tasty breath-freshening treats.

bad, naughty Altoids

And, no, that's no pseudonym, my dentist's name really is Dr. Smiley. His partners' names? Dr. Friend and Dr. Love. I'm not making this up.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I have a suggestion - have you tried Altoids Cinnamon Chewing Gum. Really good and sugar free.
Really, they are sugar free? I'll have to give them a try, thanks!