I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 15 September 2003
Another PPF Two-fer

late as usual, my answers to GreyDuck's meme.

PAST: Even the poorest of us had a few toys, growing up. Which was your favorite?

I don't remember one thing in particular; I was fond of the Winnebago for my Barbies. And my Holly Hobbie Easy Bake Oven - it was old-timey looking.

PRESENT: Constructive playtime is still a valuable thing for us adult-like personages. What do you play with when you need to cheer up??

I like to play with my blog, or my sewing machine.

FUTURE: Setting aside, as we tend often to do here, the established laws of physics, probability, supply-and-demand and common sense... if you could create a fantastical toy, what would it be like? (This can be for children and/or adults, in case you're wondering.)

How about a magic substance that makes everything funny - oh, wait, that's beer!

PAST: What was your first paying job?

My first official paycheck-bearing job was at a fancy shoe store at the mall. They told me it was a permanent position but then canned me after Christmas.

PRESENT: What do you do for a living nowadays?

I design the web page, print ads, and do writing assignments for a company that makes black boxes.

FUTURE: Barring "winning the lottery," what would be your dream job?

Lately, it's to be a college English Lit professor. I hope I don't have to wear a tweed jacket though - tweed is itchy.

Posted by ginevra (link)