I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 10 September 2003
I'm Tired

I have to go up to the Super-Duper Mal Wart and get a new tire at lunch today. I don't know much about cars, but I'm pretty sure that your tires aren't supposed to be nice and smooth.

I grew up in Akron, "Rubber Capitol of the World", or it was until all the factories moved to South America. The malls all had tire showrooms there. You would think that tire production would cause quite a malodorous stank, but I don't remember Akron being especially smelly. Maybe because we lived out in The Falls. Now Jacksonville, THAT city can smell horrible due to the paper mills, though they've quite improved the smell there in recent years. Mum always said she couldn't smell anything when I complained about it, but, as was once said in "The Simpsons" - "This town has a weird smell that you're probably all used to."

You know, my parents never once took me to the All American Soap Box Derby when we lived there. What's up with that?

Posted by ginevra (link)
Argghhhhh! Papermills! Now THAT'S a horrible stench. Here we have the Part of I-75 South That Smells Oddly of Vanilla Extract due to the Jim Beam factory
Another stench for the list: soup factories.

Hey - I drive past the Manna Pro pet food factory everyday. Now that is some kind of smell when they are hard at work!