I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 29 August 2003
PPF - there's no place like home

Play along with GreyDuck's meme:

PAST: Most of us moved around a bit as children, but most people I've talked to about it remember one particular place as being "home." What was home to you, growing up?

The old homestead in suburban Northeast Ohio. We lived there till I was 12. I know it wasn't perfect, but through my tired mind's eye, it seems somewhat idyllic.

PRESENT: What is it about your present home that drew you to it, and what makes it a great place to live?

The rent was affordable, it was convenient to where we work, and near our friends. The A/C is archaic and runs up the utility bill. Down side: The light fixtures depress me, the pantry and kitchen are woefully inadequete for my needs, and the space is not conducive to entertaining. I also don't get to paint and decorate to my liking.

FUTURE: You've won the lottery! Hooray! Now, get out there and build your dream house. And, of course, tell us all about it.

Oh, I don't know - built-in bookshelves, a hot tub, plenty of space, big kitchen, that sort of stuff.

Posted by ginevra (link)
PAST: Most of us moved around a bit as children, but most people I've talked to about it remember one particular place as being "home." What was home to you, growing up?

Since we lived in several places for extended periods of time, there isn't one house that sticks out as "home", but Buffalo, NY in general, and the area around Transit and Sheridan was a place that, although it's been remodeled and upscaled 10 times over, still brings back the memories.

PRESENT: What is it about your present home that drew you to it, and what makes it a great place to live?

A couple of things drew us to our house, strangely the location, being across the street from my parents, was one of them. My mom is St. Agnes of Buffalo, and my dad, although the King of Curmudgeons, would never come over and bother us, and as a contractor of 30 years comes in very handy around the house. Also, it was a house we could afford, and the previous owner, albeit a Cuban lady with questionable tastes, was my mom's best friend at the time and was very good to us. The master bedroom was once a carport, and therefore large, and it had a seperate shed, which has since been upgraded.

FUTURE: You've won the lottery! Hooray! Now, get out there and build your dream house. And, of course, tell us all about it.

Lots of land, and towers! If I had the big money, I'd probably build a replica of a castle.

Past: I only lived in one house until about my junior year of high school (well, that I remember; as an infant, I briefly lived in an apartment). So that house would have been my home.

Present: What Ginevra said.

Future: It's gotta be wired. And with self-organizing drawers and closets.