I'll Say She Is!
Sunday, 24 August 2003
PPF - it's written in the stars

As of last week, we reach the halfway point in GreyDuck's saga:

PAST: Everybody loves signs and portents and mystery. (It's also axiomatic that "everybody generalizes." Or is that oxymoronic? Anyway. Let's move along, then.) A fair number of us like to define other people based on what sign they were born under. So hey baby, what's your sign?

I'm a Libra, with loads of Scorpio in my chart, and my moon is in Aquarius (hee hee).

PRESENT: What do you think about this Mars thing, eh? Is it cool or what?

I think it's way cool, but I haven't seen it yet. Florida is horrible for stargazing.

FUTURE: You're on the committee to officially put some new mythical creatures into the Zodiac. (Those old ones were getting boring, wouldn't you say?) Give us a taste of what Zodiac II will include. C'mon, cut loose.

Unicorn - you like Celine Dion and posters of kitties that say "hang in there, it's almost Friday!". The Basilisk - people avoid you. The Dog with Bees in His Mouth and When He Barks He Shoots Bees At You - that's gonna be my new sign.

Posted by ginevra (link)