I'll Say She Is!
Saturday, 16 August 2003

A rat.

A rat, the size of a canned ham.

A rat, the size of a Dodge Ram pickup truck, ran out from under our crappy storage shed while I was closing the door.

A rat, the size of a double decker bus, ran out from under our crappy storage shed while I was closing the door - and made contact with my leg.

A rat, the size of a 747, ran out from under our crappy storage shed while I was closing the door, and made contact with my leg, causing me to scream like a woman.

All joy has fled. I am severely traumatized and doubt that I will ever be able to make contact with the outside world ever again. Please send groceries, DVDs, books and fabrics to my house on a regular basis.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Ah HAH! So, that's where Mike (my soon to be ex) went!

Feel feel to beat him to death with a Garden Weasel (by RONCO!)

If it helps, he's had his shots.
Yes, he and some friends (!) are hanging out in my back yard, apparently the shed is a party-happenin' place. !@#$%^$@&*&+ If I play Van Halen really loud, will he go away?
you should see the children in junior :)