I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 30 July 2003
Better Like This...or Like This?

My last contact lens ripped right as I took it out of the package a few weeks ago. So I went into one of those glasses-in-about-an-hour-or-three places and got a nice pair of glasses that weren't so much like Coke bottle bottoms as my previous pair was. You know all those "2 pair of glasses for $100" ads? Well, the second you want something like lightweight lenses, the prices just start skyrocketing. Kind of like that record club that sells you 12 records for a penny - and then jacks up the prices.

So today I went to my regular contact lens guy for my exam. His wife sells insulin for a living, so he's always keen to talk blood glucose with me. When I mentioned I just missed getting my eye scratched the other night - well, let's just say I shouldn't have mentioned it. eww eww eww eww eww! Eye doctors have lots of horror stories. You'd think he'd have noticed me squirming around and saying "EWWW!" a lot and changed the subject to hemoglobin A1c levels.

Okay, you'd think I'd have learned my lesson. But no, later on I had to tell him about my opthamologist trying to get me to get that laser eye thing done. eww eww eww eww eww! He started talking about how they used to do the surgery, and more horror stories ensued. Note to self: do not mention anything having to do with eyes to my optometrist. Ever.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I got a papercut the other day, and two people in the office had to tell me about the ones they got...

On their eyeballs!

I can't deal with anything eyeball related....
Ewwww to the tenth power!!