I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 24 July 2003
Stream of Unconsciousness

I really need to get motivated and list some things on eBay. I've got too much fabric and a couple of costumes that need new homes. Still lazy from the heat, I barely have enough energy to cook dinner and run a load of laundry after work. Speaking of after work, I caught the end of Dr. Phil yesterday; I think part of the fascination (other than the hypnotic shiny chrome dome of his) is that he's a shrink, just like dad. I used to think my dad's work life had to be just like Bob Newhart,(the old Bob Newhart Show from the 70s, not the one where he's an innkeeper) since Bob was a shrink too. I think part of me is hoping that Dr. Phil will say something so earth-shatteringly good that it will improve my life 100fold. So far, he seems to talk about himself a lot. I hate it when shrinks do that to their patients. I'll bet.

The A/C in my car is dead. This is pretty much unbearable in Florida. I have a truck-driver's tan, my left arm is pretty bronze. It's distressing to lose my unhealthy white glow. I was quoted $500 to fix said A/C. Needless to say, I'll be without its chilly goodness for quite some time.

Meanwhile, over at "Am I Period Or Not?", She Hate Me has discovered the pictures I posted there and has declared me a shame to my kingdom. Wow, get a life! First of all, I'm flattered, because she spent the time to track down my pictures; second of all, her vitriol indicates that she feels threatened by me. Ex-cellent. If she's slamming me, it means that my stuff looks pretty good.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Wow. Can we say incredably petty or what? Do you think this is the same person dissing everyone else's stuff on AIPON?
It's very possible, yes. She's a very negative person; it's kind of sad, actually.
It's so unfortunate that people feel the need to resort to that kind of childish behavior. I mean, why can't they look at something like this as a challenge to improve their own skills rather than an opportunity to be an asshole in public? Ah, sweet mystery of life... ;)
Sometimes I think we need to spike the country's water supply with Zanax or something!
Or maybe she needs her ticket punched for a couple of round trip fares. It's been two years by her own admission.
Hella sad. Does she have Laurel envy or is she just your garden variety psycho hose beast? It seems like you, Sarah, Drea, Michaela, and Eva all have the same person giving ya'll a serious hatin'..and somebody REALLY hates the 16th C and says it on like 300 pics. Playah Haters man......
I'd vote for psycho hose beast.

After reading on several sites just how badly some of the anonymous users have screwed up what could have been a fun, positive thing, I'm half tempted to go searching for my pics and asking for them to be deleted. But after learning there are at least 300 pictures to slog through, that would be too much effort.

I've thought about that too. But then what would She Hate Me do all day?
Since all the posts are anonymous, it could be her, it could not be her. Either way - it's anonymous - and you already know she prefers it that way. Being bitchy with no apparent consequences makes her smug. Did she have the balls to post her own photo? Either she thinks her poo has no odor or she really can't hack the criticism. But I think both those points are valid.
there is an index now, both by time period and by entry number:


they should require registration and logging in to vote.