I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 18 September 2002
The Angriest Desktop Publisher in the World

It all started this morning on my way to work. I was behind a Chemlawn truck; suddenly, this blue liquid starts pouring out of the truck's supposedly sealed rear door. It looked like the syrup that 7-11 must use to make their blue raspberry Squishies. Ewww. Hope it didn't splash onto the Sinister Transport Vehicle.

So it comes to this: we sent a technical paper to some guy in Mexico to have it translated into Spanish. Of course it's in my huckleberry, Microslop Word. Somehow, all the graphics are now quite blurry, and I have to go into the original version, type in the translations, and export them back into the Spanish version. Naturally, much digital mayhem is ensuing. Not to mention all the other work piling up on my desk, thanks to Chuck-a-Palooza 2002 (details to follow). Grrrrrrrrrr.

Posted by ginevra (link)