I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 15 July 2003
Lazy From the Heat

Normally I either don't mind and sometimes even enjoy cooking and and going grocery shopping, but the summertime blahs or something have got me down. I just can't find the energy to drag my happy ass to either grocery store or kitchen. The Lazy Factor has also seeped into my journaling here. For instance, I haven't written about going out last Sunday with a gaggle of girlfriends to get pedicures and lunch. I have very pretty purple toenails now. Nor have I informed you that Lisa delegated to me a few cooking assignments for her shed-razing party on July 4, thus allowing me another step in my quest to prove that I can indeed cook and not poison people in the process. I made ham, pasta salad, potato salad, and blueberry pie. ("There is no honor without pie" - Shakespeare.) I even got to smash part of the shed with a sledge hammer - it's harder than it looks, Lunchbox and Carl had to give me pointers. But it was quite satisfying.

Perhaps I'm channelling what energy I do have into my decluttering of the house quest. I should have taken "before" pictures. On second thought, I'm glad there's no evidence.

Posted by ginevra (link)