I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 11 September 2002
Strange Daze

Well, the announcements weren't as bad as I had dreaded. Especially when the first one was made, telling us we could observe a moment of silence if we wished - and then the receptionist paged Joe Schmoe to pick up line one. It's kind of hard to observe a moment of silence with the day-to-day routine going on.

The admin. assistant in our department had her little b&w TV tuned to Peter Jennings all morning. The names of those killed in the World Trade Centers could be heard as they were read in the ceremony being broadcast. (Have you noticed that the presence of little TVs in the workplace has increased post- Sept. 11? Even though radio, as anyone who takes Journalism 101 learns, is the fastest news medium. That's how we heard the awful news in this corner of the office, one year ago today.) The Mal-Wart also had Peter Jennings on their TVs that are sprinkled throughout the store. It was odd to hear "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" interspersed with in-store announcements like, "Be sure to buy some Halloween candy!". It was bizarre to be buying contact lens solution and nail polish while solemn processions and commemorations were taking place. It's hard not to have a bit of survivor guilt on a day like today.

Strange, I used to be really good at placing difficult-to-deal-with truths in a little box and hiding the box in the closet of my subconscious; a coping skill that helps and hinders at the same time. I guess I've grown up in that I can't do that anymore. On a day like today, is it wrong to want a little wall to protect one's psyche?

On an unrelated note: my computer guru tells me that I won't be able to post here for a couple of days. I don't know how much (if any) impact that will have on you...just an FYI.

Posted by ginevra (link)