I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 1 May 2003
Whooo Doggie!

I visited a weird web site today. I mean really weird. It's a place I figured existed, but when I found it, I was surprised and yet not surprised at the contents.

I've been tinkering around with the html code of the corporate web site; need to change some rollover graphics and it's a little mind-bending. In Dreamweaver it's easier to do what I'm working on in the code, rather than the visual display mode. I am liking the challenge though. I've been doing the "web maintenance" thing for a month now. Finished my second Dreamweaver class and I'm ready to start playing around, designing pages, etc.

"Would some power the giftie gie us
To see ourselves as others see us"
-Robert Burns

Posted by ginevra (link)
A Pick-thanke told Don Lopez de Haro, that such a one had greatly misused him in tearmes behind his backe, aduising him to reuenge the iniurie highly: Whereunto Don Lopez answered: Now I giue God thankes, that though he be able to speak ill of me, yet hath he not the power to hurt me.