I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 11 April 2003
Viva El Presidente!

The president of the company I work, for that is. Not only is he cool enough to take notes with a fountain pen (and he's a lefty - he must have a specially-designed fountain pen that takes our unique way of slanting into account), he also is very deft at handling Mr. B. El Presidente actually talked Mr. B out of his insistance that our web pages must all fit on one page when printed. Though he can't dissuade him of the notion that the Print Screen key only fails to operate on the company web pages (?). Also, El Presidente let me out of the meeting once I had presented the latest web page I had designed, which was nice since I have no engineering knowledge whatsoever and was just starting to doodle as the rest of them droned on an on about something lame.

P.S. - the pages I designed were well-received, yay!

Posted by ginevra (link)
Hurray for you, oh administrator of the web. We knew you could kick ass.

In other news, my firm has added my blog to the restricted website list. I don't imagine it'll be updated nearly as often since I CAN'T FREAKIN' GET TO IT.
??? But why? Is this a case of "Compliance Strikes Back"? You are welcome to blog squat here anytime, at least until they make my blog access denied!
Thanks. I guess I'll do it "The Right Way", and update it from home. Hopefully they won't add you to the Restricted list.
Probably all of the major blog sites -- LiveJournal, BlogSpot, Userland, and so forth -- have been blocked.