I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 9 April 2003
Everyone Needs To Go Read This Article

Some sobering (and unsurprising) news about the resurgence of the Taliban, courtesy of Jen's Very Big Blog.

While you're at it, check out this feature about Big Brother going after some hip-hop artist for having an anti-war stance.

I'm so depressed about this that I'm going to go make a box of brownies. Okay, they're the fat-free kind, but chocolate is chocolate when the world's going to hell.

Posted by ginevra (link)
It's what I've been afraid would happen. I have to tell you, the media owns these people here - "Didn't seeing those people celebrate make you feel good?"
Yes, I'm happy for them, maybe something good will actually happen for them, but it's the old "ends justify the means" argument again.
They're happy now, but in the days to come, I hope they don't turn on the troops because there's no food, water, etc.