I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 20 March 2003
A spam by any other name

Spam is a bad word at my office. We do not send spam. We send "e-mail blasts". Referring to our "e-mail blasts" as spam is an offense punishable by firing. The first thing I got to design in Dreamweaver yesterday was an "e-mail blast", to my shame. At least we don't sell our e-mail list, and we really honor the opt-out option.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Oh. My. Gawd. So not only do you send spam "email blasts", you send them in bandwidth-wasting HTML?

Congratulations, honey, you're working for the Forces of Darkness.

Wow, it's even more sinister when it's captialized.
At least there's a good Ska song called "Spam", by the band "Save Ferris".