I'll Say She Is!
Sunday, 2 March 2003
Holy Cow! - Unlooked-For Events
holy cow

Well, I was certainly surprised, but in a good way, yesterday at Crown Tournament. (SCA, we're completely harmeless, trust me.) I feel like a bird that just flew into a plate glass window - you know, not so hard that the bird dies, but it has to sit on your porch for a couple of minutes before it can go back to normal.

More to come when I'm done resting on the porch.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Congratulations! And you did have that look, that is for sure! I had it too - they just told me ahead of time instead of in court so I did not have to have "the look" in public.

I could not hear - when will you being doing the deed?
Having not been at Crown Lyste, I am confused. Congratulations, Ginevra, on what exactly I'm not sure.
What deed will you be doing?

If I may inquire, who are the new Prince and Princess?
Ginevra, for those both in the SCA and uninformed, is going to be the newest Laurel of Trimaris. For those not in the SCA, that's an equivalent to a knighthood in the arts. So well deserved, in fact, that the king found it a travesty that it took so long.
New Pointy Hats of Trimaris are Odo and Elena. They rock!

P.S. So does Ginevra - Love that cow picture!
"Is going to be?" Oh, I get it, they let you know in advance so you can make sure to be present at that event. That makes a lot of sense. It kind of takes some of the surprise out of it, but I guess you can wear exactly the garb you want and have the right people, and all that there.

Cool, congratulations and well deserved!
Well, all new Peers are given the option of having it done then and there, or setting a date.

Pelicans, for some reason, usually choose an immediate elevation; I'm not sure why. Perhaps Columella can enlighten us (she's one of the few Pelicans I can think of who broke that tradition).

Knights almost always set a future date for their knighting, so they can prepare a vigil. Laurels also tend to want to throw lavish receptions and come up with an individualized ceremony (unlike some other kingdoms, we have no set Peerage ceremonies).

And, as you mention, Darren, it's nice to be able to invite others to be there (it meant a lot to me that my friend Ange flew in from Indiana when I was elevated).

Thanks guys! Yes, I have to make a pretty dress. It's going to be at TMT (TMC?) Memorial Day Weekend. Can you come?
Well, Knights have a thousand years of tradition to work with, Laurels have the heritage of the art of hundreds of cultures. The Pelican are service-focused; it's hard to pin down what exactly might be proper. Maybe an office party?
Oh, and Darren, believe me, it didn't take any of the surprise out of it. Karen's frighteningly good at figuring out who's going to get what when, but His Majesty managed to surprise her this time.

I would have been surprised when I was announced, but just before court, my foster Laurel handed me a packet on the responsibilities of a Peer (which, coupled with the fact that all my friends were terribly insistent that I not leave site even though my tent had collapsed in a raging thunderstorm and everything was soaked, kind of gave me a little bit of a clue).

Holy Cow is right! More like "holy deer in the headlights!" Congratulations! I think there were a number of people with that glazed look in their eyes that night.


Hmmm, good question on why Pelican's tend to like the "surprise" peerage. We tend to be more behind-the-scenes. Many of us are more used to doing things for someone else rather than having them done for us. And it has kind of evolved that way. There are a few of us who like to be different though!

I was told before hand and given the choice - if I had been surprised in court I am not sure what I would have chosen to do. Since I was given some time to think about it I decided to take the opportunity to really go all out and I am glad I did. It is part of my crusade to show that being in period does not mean boring (as some people seem to think.) This is also why Leonidas and I have decided to set up our period tent at events again. We had gotten lazy. Sometimes it is too easy to get wrapped up in things and forget that we are suppossed to be a historical organization! We had been complaining about things and figured we needed to lead by example.
You go girl!!!

Just remember us over here. I'll be here awhile.

unless of course you REALLY liked me and wanted to put in a good word for me up here, I'm tired of strutting my stuff, i need a vacation! ;)
Of course I like you! I can't believe you haven't been tapped, your beadwork is fabulous!
(How cool that I can network with a little authority now. I can do some good for the neighborhood!)