I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 26 August 2002
Tragic Blog Entry #1

This weekend, I got the oil changed on the Tracker, went to Mal-Wart, got groceries, went to the fabric store, got two new CDs at Best Buy (Beastie Boys and Jimi Hendrix), did tons of laundry, straightened up the bedroom, made curtains for the library, made a pattern for a cavalier-type bodice, cleaned the interior and exterior of the Tracker, watered the flower bed, balanced my checkbook, picked up some friends at the airport, ate dinner with said friends, caught the tail end of the Bucs game, what’s up with the new Redskins uniforms? - oh yeah, and I reorganized the collage on the refrigerator, among other things.

Today I went to the dentist’s for the usual cleaning. I didn’t get to see Dr. Smiley (yes, that’s his real name), I saw “Dr. B”, a jovial fellow who tweaked my nose. He was an older fellow, so that coupled with his pleasant demeanor made the tweaking okay. (Look, Mom, no cavities!) I stopped by my old office while I was in the neighborhood.. Since I haven’t seen my former coworkers for a year or so, it was interesting to note the various reactions to my weight loss (~36 lbs.). As Joe Walsh sings, “Everybody’s so different, I haven’t changed.”

Posted by ginevra (link)