I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 17 February 2003
The Pope of Chili Town

My employer decided to hold a Chili Cook-Off for us wage slaves Friday, in honor of Valentine's Day. I can see the tie-in - love can make you sweat and your stomach hurt. There were 19 different chilis to sample, and I can tell you one thing: I will never sample 19 chilis in one sitting ever again. I'm serious.

The fix was in big time, I caught the receptionist with a guilty look on her face putting all her votes for the HR person's entry, which won second place. I'm pretty sure at least one of the GLOM (Gorgeous Ladies of Marketing) stuffed the ballot box in my favor, but to no avail. This is the year I plan on proving to everyone that I am a decent cook, but a rigged office chili contest is not the vehicle to do so.

Posted by ginevra (link)
For the record, I think your chili is much better than mine. I was hoping you would provide good advice for chili night on vacation.

Secret ingredient=beer. And if you don't want to drink what's left, I will.
You are now the official Friday night kitchen helper.

Do you think that we will be able to find any beer? It is a dry county after all.

Yeah, that'll be hard; finding beer in camp.
One of the chili contestents tasted like it was made in a high school cafeteria; it had that vaguely metallic taste and it smelled like a school cafeteria. How'd the cook manage that?