I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 4 February 2003
Help out a GLOM!

One of the GLOM (Gorgeous Ladies of Marketing) is in a "Dating Game" type contest sponsored by a local radio station. Like most things for consumption by the masses, the winner is determined by a vote. So, if you're so inclined to help a very nice young lady out with her social life, visit this link. She's "Bachelorette # 4". Voting goes on through the rest of this week, so vote early and often! As my co-worker has to talk to the overly perky DJ several times this week, she's earning her nice night out on the town, believe me.

I suggest pairing her with "Bachelor # 2". He heard her on-air interview and thought she sounded cute. Besides, he's from Buffalo, NY.

Check out "Bachelorette #1's" ideal fantasy date, while you're there. "He would escort me to an awards ceremony where I would be honored." I guess everyone's entitled to her own fantasy. Some are just more achieveable than others.

Posted by ginevra (link)
From Buffalo? he must be a "righteous dude". I think we know people like Bachelorette #1. It reminds me that Lisa has me watching "Joe Millionaire" now, and it really is starting to seem like a setup, since it's really got some stock characters. I'm sure the tabloids will let us know.
I voted for your girl #4, but I have to tell you, I was tempted to vote for #2; she's a mammographer.
See, I knew that would have an allure...it wouldn't if YOU have ever had a mammogram, though!
Don't worry, I'm sure the urologist years are ahead in the future. That'll make up for it.