I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 15 January 2003
Too Much Paranoias

I'm beginning to think that some people around here sneeze extra loud on purpose. They certainly talk louder when they're on the phone. What's up with that?

Posted by ginevra (link)
So it's not just my office? Apparently coming out of your office to do a broadcast sneeze is appropriate. Then, upon confrontation, they say "It's OK, I'm not sick, it's allergies." Oh, OK then, blast your saliva all over me, then.
Well, apparently the latest in child-rearing is to allow the little tykes to projectile sneeze, rather than covering their snot-dripping faces with their hands. This is done, I've been told, so that the kids don't get germy hands! Maybe this trend is trickling up from the youth.

On second thought, maybe "trickle" is not the best word to use when talking about sneezes. Ew!
In a past job position, I had to teach profoundly mentally handicapped blind adolescents how to blow their noses. Also, to cover their mouths when they sneezed, then wash their hands.
If they can do it, why can't the rest of America?
The difference is, Sid, those kids are mentally handicapped; they're not retards.
I love to sneeze hard and loud. Feels sooo good!