I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 23 December 2002
She's Got Bettie Page Bangs

I wanted to get gussied up for Sid's Yule party, so I hauled out my curling iron and went to work on my hair. Since it's been several years since I've curled my hair, I, without thinking, curled my bangs. "Ack! I've given myself Bettie Page bangs!" I exclaimed, and tried to undo the effect, to little avail. The fact that my hair is a shade darker these days didn't help either.

Naughty Bettie

This was the least naughty picture I could find of Miss Page, by the way. At least now I have a potential Halloween costume to work on, if I feel extremely daring. Bettie Page bangs are better than Bette Davis eyes, wouldn't you say?

Posted by ginevra (link)
How is Bettie Page hair ever a bad thing? And absolutely, no question are Bettie Page bangs better than (yech) Bette Davis eyes. The only thing worse than her eyes is the stupid song of the same name.
Of course, whenever I've thought of Bettie Page the most memorable things are her...bangs. Of course, yes.

How does one come up with a Bettie Page costume (or is it more of a makeup and hair kinda thang)? Wasn't she in bikini's in most of her photo shoots? Certainly there were other more "colorful" outfits--not gonna go there.

And the fact that this follows the "inner goddess of self-comfort" entry...
Bettie Page bangs aren't bad - I was just startled to see the resemblance!
I suppose the "costume" would call for a corset, fishnet stockings, and a whip. I can't do too much research at work, for obvious reasons.

I better go back on my diet.
She also wore some "jungle-themed" attire. I think that would fit your personality pretty well.
I've been looking for some bettie page costumes for Halloween for the past couple of weeks... the best one I've come up with is the nurse, that's the only one where's she's not almost naked. I think I'm going to go with that one... I'll probably still take the wip... who's bettie page without a wip?
(and the bangs of course).
Hellooooooooooo Nurse! :)
I have had "bettie page" bangs for the better part of the last three years, until recently. but now that my hairs long enough im standing in front of the mirror, Kind of Sweating The Technique, because I always had a certain woman do them.fun fun