I'll Say She Is!
Sunday, 22 December 2002
"America's Best Clown??"

"America's Best Clown?" Is there even such a thing? Isn't that like saying, "France's Best Mime?" This guy's somewhat disturbing image is on billboards all over town:

Can't sleep...clown will kill me...

At first I thought that Ringling Bros. had hired a demented freak to be the ringmaster for the circus this year. But it turns out he's Bello, America's Best Clown, as voted by Time magazine. Don't they have more important things to do, like figure out who's the sexiest person alive?

But then it hit me: Bello is the evil twin of...

eat me!

The Slim Jim Guy! Who is "agile, athletic and full of fun" - in my book, anyway.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I am fraught with curiosity: if TIME worked out that Bello is America's best clown, then who is America's worst clown? What kind of criteria do they use, I wonder. I miss the Slim Jim guy, I haven't seen him in a while. He has a nice psycopathic quality that seems so at home to the world of jerky.
Nothing wrong with saying "France's Best Mime". Is there any doubt that it's Marcel Marceau?

I honestly don't understand the anti-clown, anti-mime sentiment in this society.

(America's worst clown... Carrot Top, maybe?)

www.slimjim.com has all the Slim Jim guy's commercials. I enjoyed watching all of them several times last night. Strangly, it's called belli-vision. Bello, Belli...it's all becoming clearer.
Lisa and I watched the movie "The Greatest Show On Earth" (1952) the other morning, while getting ready to go out. It had Tony Curtis, Jimmy Stuart (as the helpful murderous clown-doctor), Charleton Heston and directed by Cecil B. DeMille. It was an excellent film, with it's only detraction being the presence of "world-famous clown" Emmitt Kelly. How did this guy EVER get famous? His whole act is dropping stuff and/or stuff getting taken away, while he makes a sad face. I've always thought clowns were lame, but by the end of the picture I was just about enraged by the absurdity of his fame.