I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 16 December 2002
Screwing With Telemarketers

Normally, when caller ID reveals that a telemarketer is on the other end of the line, I let the call go. But "American Marketing Concepts" has been calling rather a lot, so I figured, maybe if I took the call and got it over with, they would leave me in peace.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee?"
"I'm an annoying telemarketer, blah blah blah, calling on behalf of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, not soliciting donations, blah blah, an estimated ? number of people are killed every so often by drunk drivers. Don't you agree that's a shame?"
"No, not really. There's too many people around here any way."
Pause. "Oh. Okay, well, we're selling magazine subscriptions, blah blah, portion of the proceeds yada yada yada. So, how many magazines can I get you to subscribe to?"
"None. I don't know how to read."
Oh. Well, have a nice day."

Granted, my technique needs a little polish, but I was satisfied with the results.

Posted by ginevra (link)