I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 12 December 2002
I'm Scared...

This morning, I found on my desk a cd, upon which was written, "Merry Christmas Karen - Office Stalker". (Okay, he signed his name, I don't think he knows how he's referred to around here.)

I don't know how much more distant and unfriendly that I can be to this guy without shouting insults. I don't acknowledge him unless absolutely neccesary. What do you suppose is on this cd? Here are some guesses-

Alan Jackson singing "I Love a Girl Named Karen" 345 times.
Christmas Carols sung by Office Stalker.
Naked pictures of Office Stalker.
Plans for world domination, culiminating in me becoming the Bride of Office Stalker.

*sigh* Why couldn't he still be stuck on the sales administrative assistant? I think I'll let my soup-ervisor find out what's on the cd when she returns this afternoon.

Post Script - I've just learned that Alan Jackson sings that incredibly stupid song, "Little Bitty". I've only heard this song because a former co-worker had gone country in a big way. Man, does that song suck!

Posted by ginevra (link)
Maybe you could douse it in pig's blood and kerosene, and set it on fire on his desk.
That IS creatively evil! I like!

Peter Gibbons: I don't like my job and I don't think I'll go anymore.
Joanna: You're just not gonna go?
Peter Gibbons: Yeah.
Joanna: Won't you get fired?
Peter Gibbons: I don't know. But I really don't like it and, uh, I'm not gonna go.
Joanna: So you're gonna quit?
Peter Gibbons: Uh-uh. Not really. I'm just gonna stop going.
Joanna: When did you decide all that?
Peter Gibbons: About an hour ago.
Joanna: So you're going to get another job?
Peter Gibbons: I don't think I'll like another job.
Joanna: Well what are you going to do about money? Bills?
Peter Gibbons: You know I never really liked paying bills, I don't think I'm going to do that either.
--Office Space

So what's ON the thing? Inquiring minds, blah blah blah.
I finally broke down and checked that out - 24 Christmas songs, mostly country. I think the first song was Alan Jackson and the Chipmunks, but I only listened to a few seconds of each track. This guy is so damn creepy!