I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 26 November 2002
Quiz du Jour

What Pattern Are You?

That's weird, I thought I would be paisley!

Posted by ginevra (link)
I got Camouflage. Tough. Determined. Strong. Worn by black-helicopter-fearing militia nutcases and posers who want to look mean but didn't have the guts to join the real military.

I got Stripes. Classic. Refined. Modest.
Modest? You?
I, too, got Camo. *shrug* Then again, several of the questions didn't have an answer that applied to me. None of those activities on Friday, thanks, and while I picked "The Wall" what I meant was "Well, out of these, The Wall is the movie I'd probably watch if I had to watch one of them." Ah well.
I was also stripes. Hmmmm.