I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 20 November 2002
What, no trendy black beret to wear in a cafe for me?

I guess major poets aren't beatniks.

Which Major Romantic Poet Would You Be (if You Were a Major Romantic Poet)?

brought to you by Quizilla

You're John Keats! You were born poor, trained to be a doctor, and then decided you wanted to be a poet. You threw yourself into poetry with great dedication. You're very nice and extremely dedicated to your art. You write great letters and sexy poetry. It's amazing how much you got done in your short lifetime.

Posted by ginevra (link)
You are George Gordon, Lord Byron! The prototypical bad boy, you'll sleep with anything that can give consent and maybe even a few things that can't or won't. Your ethics could use some work (nine year old girls?), but outside of the sex question, you're a grand partier and the bipolar, shady hero of your own story. The wittiest of the Romantics, you're mad, bad and dangerous to know. Scandalous!

Was there any doubt! ha!
Libertines unite!

Oh jeez, I'm a puss.

You are Percy Bysshe Shelley! Famous for your dreamy abstraction and your quirky verse, you're the model "sensitive poet." A vegetarian socialist with great personal charm and a definite way with the love poem, you remain an idol for female readers. There are dozens of cute anecdotes about you, and I love you.
You are William Wordsworth! You get a bad rap these days, alas. Many people think you oppressed Coleridge, but there really isn't much proof. You may have oppressed the women in your life, but hey, everyone was doing it. You honestly love nature, and admire an aesthetic of simplicity and honesty. You love Milton and human freedom, though some say you sold out in the end. Oh dear. But you left us "Tintern Abby" and "The Solitary Reaper," bless your heart.

Eh. Not quite as good as being "the wittiest of the Romantics".

I think Sid got the best one. I'm 'nice'. Hrumph.
You are William Blake! Wow. I'm impressed. Not only are you a self-made artist and poet, but you've suddenly become a very trendy guy to like. It's not that we doubt that you have all your marbles, it's just that we're not quite sure what you did with them to come up with those terrifying theological visions. The people of your time were nowhere near as forgiving as that, and all your neighbors thought you were a grade-A nut job. But we love you, so rest happy.

I like controversy.