I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 15 November 2002
El Presidente and Dr. Peterfriend

El Presidente stuck his head in my cubicle yesterday and asked me if I had an X Box. This was quite startling, because usually El Presidente (not to be confused with Mr. B, who is the chairman of the board*) rarely ventures into Marketing Sector 7G, and if he does, he's not there to talk to me. "No," I said, praying that was the right answer. I was also hoping he was referring to the game system. Apparently it was acceptable, he moved onto the next cube with the same question, eventually leaving 7G for Engineering. One possible theory is that maybe all he does is play video games in the corner office.

Incidently, El Presidente and I were almost involved in an automobile accident last week. He was driving down the wrong side of the road as I was leaving The Office.

So the GLOM (Gorgeous Ladies of Marketing) took a group lunch break yesterday. Unfortunately, the subject of uncomfortable doctor's office visits came up; one lady started to say, "Well, the last time I went to Dr. Peterfriend-" That's all she could say, because the rest of us immediately collapsed into paroxysms of laughter. Apparently the last name is not spelled that way, but it's pronounced as such. It would have been even funnier if he had turned out to be a urologist.

*Who is in turn not to be confused with The Chairman of the Board, Ol' Blue Eyes, Dr. Sinatra.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Lunchbox sub-blog entry #1: Musings while reading the hockey box score. Former Lightning player and current Sabre Chris Gratton is not French-Canadian. If he were, his last name would mean "let's scratch."
"Let's scratch"... I wish he WAS French-Canadian!
(Hooray! I have spawned a sub-blog! Now we need a name for it...)
A sub-blog. This is kind of like the literary equivalent of remoras on sharks, right?
Nah, it's more like renting out a room in a house. So maybe it's more like a literary flophouse.
I still haven't found a name that can top Dr. Cockburn, former Chief of Urology at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa. However, reporters at my office who've taken his deposition say he pronounces it like "Coeburn", and gets pissed if anyone has the temerity to pronounce it the way it's spelled. (Like that's fooling anyone; does any other word in the English language have a silent ck?)

Oh, and to continue your footnote, Karen, Ol' Blue Eyes should not be confused with Ol' Yellow Eyes.
This has nothing to do with the blog, but it is very cool.

If you want some hip vocabulary from NYC, follow these steps.

Go to www.mjmorningshow.com

click on the link for "Tony Soprano",

now, scan down the page and click on the
mj morning show sentence thingy.

Now, you are at the vocabulary list. Enjoy!


I don't think ANYONE could confuse The Voice with Mr. Data. Good Lord, I hope not.
You don't get that many nicknames without greatness.

It's Frank's world, we just live in it.