I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 7 November 2002
I am Snoopy
Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

Snoopy rocks. I think that most days I'm closer in personality to Lucy.

The What Soda Are You Quiz By Vishal

I once heard that prune juice is used to give Dr. Pepper it's unique flavor.

Take the Hey Hey, Which Monkee Are You? Quiz.

Cool, didn't he create the show "Elephant Parts"? I never saw an episode of their show until they started showing them on MTV.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I got Linus, Mr. Pibb ("Nobody likes you and nobody buys you. Sorry, man.") and Michael Nesmith. I suppose there are worse things to be, in all cases.

But I was really hoping I'd be Moxie.

I'm Mickey. I'm smarter than you and have cooler hair! It's all I've ever wanted... really.
I am Linus and Dr. Pepper. I don't care to know what monkee because I have always detested the show, the music, and the actors. This is probably due to recieveing boxes of hand-me-down, pre-teen Monkees paraphenalia as a small child. As it came from family friends, I HAD TO ENJOY IT, don't you know.
I don't like the monkeys at the zoo either.

The only monkey I like is a monkey wearing a fez. Preferably a statue of a monkey wearing a fez. They're not as bad as clowns, though.
Besides Art/Sci and frogs, I think Sid is also very hostile about monkees/monkeys. Discuss.
Different than expected, far from normal. Rootbeer. The other beer. P.S. That Snoopy quiz sucks.
Different than expected, far from normal. Rootbeer. The other beer. P.S. That Snoopy quiz sucks.
Different than expected, far from normal. Rootbeer. The other beer. P.S. That Snoopy quiz sucks.
Ahhhhhh! Your blog has issue with me!
Issues, hell. It has the entire year's subsription. ;)