I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 31 October 2002
Episode 2 - Chuck Strikes Back

I was beginning to get suspicious - Uncle Chuck has been unusually quiet since his return from some engineer-type meetings. I was even more suspicious when he exclaimed, "You've changed your hair color!" after handing me a technical paper for revision. "No...but I did wash it."

"Can you read my handwriting?" (Note: He's still spelling insert 'incert'.)"Yes, Chuck, no problem. I've deciphered your handwriting before." He then reads to me all the pages of handwriten revisions. There's no point trying to stop him by pointing out that I can't possibly memorize it from his recitation. That's our Uncle Chuckie. That was two days ago.

Yesterday my soup-ervisor asked if I had received said revisions from Chuck - because the paper is due today, Halloween...*sigh*...

Soup spends a lot of time getting deadline extensions for these papers.

IEEE Man of the Year
Posted by ginevra (link)