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Petticoat Wag Longwayes for as many as will

Lead up forwards and back, turn back to back, faces again _._ All that again _:_ First man crosse and go behind the 2. Wo. the first Wo. going behind the second man, peep twice at each other, fall into the 2. place on your own side _._ Do thus to the last, the rest following in order.

Sides all, and as before _._ That again _:_ First Cu. crosse between the 2. fall into the 2. place, crosse again , fall into the 2. place on your own side _._ Do thus to the last, the rest following in order _:_

Arms all as before _._ That again _:_ The two first men take both hands , change places , the We. as much, set and turn S. _._ Do thus to the last, the rest following.

This HTML version of The Dancing Master was created by Jeff Lee <godfrey@shipbrook.net>

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