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Peppers Black Round for as many as will

Take hands and go twice round _._ Back again _:_ All set and turn S. _._ That again _:_

First Cu. lead a D. forward and back to the 2. _._ That again _:_ Turn each others Wo. _._ Turn your own _:_ Do this change to all, the rest doing the like

First Cu. lead to the 2. Cu. as before _:_ The S. Hey all four _:_ Do this change to all, the rest doing the like _.:_

First Cu. and 2. man take hands, take the man on your left hand, lead a D. forward and back again _.:_ Bring your Wo. under your left arm , holding both fast turn your body halfe round to the left hand _._ Bring your man under your right arm, turn balfe about to your right hand _:_ Do thus to all.

This HTML version of The Dancing Master was created by Jeff Lee <godfrey@shipbrook.net>

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