Major Robert Magaw

to Brigadier General Horatio Gates1

Cape Ann August 21st 1775

I wrote to you on the 17th Inst that no Alarms or appearances of immediate danger had been in this place for some time past Since the 8th Instant when Capt [John] Lindsey [Linzee] Commander of a Sloop of War threw a number of Shot into the Town — the Inhabitants have remained unmolested

on Saturday ev'ning last [August 19] a Man of War & a Tender appear'd off this Harbour we expected an Attack Yesterday they bore away for the Eastward & disappeared — the Inhabitants have nearly completed a small Fort to mount 6-9 Pounders their Spirit seems equal to their Abilities

We have neither Blankets nor Shirts with us some of our Men are sick owing I believe to want of Covering in the Night I have the Honor &c.

Robt Magaw   Maj
Rifle Batn Cont Service

1. Washington Papers, LC.
Source: Naval Documents of the American Revolution, I, 1195