Vice Admiral Samuel Graves

to Philip Stephens, Secretary of the British Admiralty1

Preston Boston 29 July 1775

His Majesty's Ship Scorpion commanded by Lieut. [John] Tollemache arrived last Night from Charles Town. In his way hither Mr Tollemache by desire of Lord William Campbell touched at Cape Fear for Governor Martin's Dispatchcs.

I transmit Copies of [letters] I have rcceived from the Governors of South and North Carolina to shew their Lordships how pressing they are for an additional number of ships and small Vessels to be stationed within their Governments. I inclose the Copy of a Letter from Sir James Wright Governor of Georgia. It gives me much satisfaction that as his Majesty's Service would not admit of my sending a Sloop to Savannah according to their Lordships Orders, the Kings Affairs in the Colony of Georgia have not suffered thereby.2

I shall be inexpressibly happy to have the Honor of their Lordship's particular Commands respecting the Rebellion on this Continent, and shall exert my utmost Endeavours to carry them into Execution in the best manner for his Majesty's Service, and to their Lordship's satisfaction.

In regard to the Application of his Majesty's Governors along the Continent, for Ships and Vessels of War, their Lordships I trust are fully apprized that it is entirely out of my power to comply with any part of their Requests, until Reinforcements arrive from England, and I am instructed concerning the measures Great Britain intends to pursue in consequence of the Revolt of her Colonies on this Continent.

Captains [Edward] Thornbrough and [Francis] Parry repeat their Representations, the former of the very bad condition the Tamer is in; and the latter that the Cruizer is in want of all kinds of Stores. I am satisfied they ought to be relieved, but at present I prefer their remaining a little longer, even as they are, rather than to leave the Coast totally without a Ship of War, assuring myself I shall very soon be enabled to send others in their Room.

The Store Ship from England was not arrived at Halifax the 13th instant.

The Falcon anchored at Nantasket last Night from a Cruize, and this morning I have ordered Captain [Johnj Linzee to convoy the Russia Merchant Transport (bound to England) twenty Leagues to the Eastward of Cape Cod. Lieut. Col. James of Artillery goes Passenger in this Transport and is charged with my Dispatches. I am &c.

Sam Graves

1. Graves's Conduct, I, 161-163, MassHS Transcript.
2. The letter, purporting to come from Sir James Wright, was the counterfeit one prepared by the South Carolina Committee of Safety, and dated June 27, 1775.
Source: Naval Documents of the American Revolution, I, 1001-2