Governor John Wentworth

to General Thomas Gage1

Fort William and Mary, June 29, 1775.

Admiral [Samuel] Graves has sent a transport under convoy of the Falcon sloop of war, and entirely dismantled this ungarrisoned Castle of all the ordinance, stores, &c.

Besides the inconvenience of being crowded into this miserable house, confined for room and neither wind or water tight, I am inevitably obliged to incur some extra expence for my safety and existence even here. Being of necessity compelled to make some small repairs to render it habitable, and to employ six men as watches to prevent my being surprised and made prisoner. These, with my three servants and Mr. Benning Wentworth, and Captain [John] Cochran are divided into three guards of four hours each; by which means I have some security of getting on board the Scarborough. The six men are at the expence of Twelve dollars per month each, including their dieting, allowance of Rum, &c.; under which expence no trusty man can possibly be had for so unpopular a service in this time of general opposition to Government. The repairs will not exceed fifty guineas.

1. Bouton, ed., Documents and Records of New Hampshire, VII, 381, 382.
Source: Naval Documents of the American Revolution, I, 775