Narrative of Vice Admiral Samuel Graves1

[Boston] 16th [April, 1775]

When the Nautilus and Falcon (which last came in today) arrived from England in want of many men and stores, and very leaky, having had blowing Weather in their passage, the Asia was in Kingroad, the Boyne and Preston before Boston, the Somerset between Boston and Charles Town, the Mercury in Nantasket Road, and the Glasgow just hawled from the Ways, after receiving a very considerable repair. The Falcon was ordered to remain before the Town, and the Nautilus went above the Somerset to lie off the Magazine Point ... But it may be necessary here to take notice that these few Kings Ships were then upwards of one hundred men short of their lowest peace Complements.

1. Graves' Conduct, I, 72, MassHS Transcript
Source: Naval Documents of the American Revolution, I, 187